Issue Category Vote Summary

Update time and date: Fri Oct 30 12:42:19 1998
Topic Ave Combined # of Standard Votes Vote VOTES Deviation I601 INADEQUATE/BLOCKED TECHNICAL 8.33 0.833 3 2.082 INNOVATION S601.1 10% Employee Inventor 4.75 0.396 4 4.500 Patent Rights S601.2 Patent Rights on Government 6.75 0.562 4 4.031 Contracts S601.3 10% Government Contracts 6.25 0.521 4 3.594 to Small Engineering Companies S601.4 Patent or Release to 7.25 0.604 4 4.272 Employee Inventor in 6 Months S601.5 Limit Protection of Proprietary 5.00 0.417 3 3.606 Information I602 STALLED FUSION ENERGY 7.00 0.700 10 3.091 DEVELOPMENT S602.1 Fusion Energy Development 8.43 0.590 7 3.309 Program ALL (2) ISSUES 7.67 NA 13 2.586 ALL (6) SOLUTIONS 6.40 0.491 26 3.8853 Notes: 1) Ave Votes = the average of the 1 to 10 votes cast on that topic 2) Combined Vote = (Issue Ave Votes) X (Solution Ave Vote)/100 3) # of Vote is the total number of votes cast on that topic 4) Standard Deviation is a measure of the variation in the votes Permission to redistribute this UVOTE vote summary is granted provided the following paragraph is included. This table summarizes the votes received on these topics at UVOTE. UVOTE ( is a public service project of UWSA Santa Clara Co. CA Chapter ** Use Your BACK Key to Exit This Vote Summary **