Individual Issue and Its Solution Vote Summary

Update time and date: Fri Oct 30 12:42:19 1998
Topic Ave Combined # of Standard Votes Vote VOTES Deviation I103 UNNECESSARILY COMPLEX 7.56 0.756 18 2.935 TAX SYSTEM S103.1 Minimum Deduction Tax 4.10 0.310 20 3.417 Code S103.2 National Consumption 8.05 0.608 40 3.258 Tax - No Income Tax S103.3 Flat Rate - No Deduction 6.50 0.491 30 3.501 Income Tax ALL (1) ISSUES 7.56 NA 18 2.9350 ALL (3) SOLUTIONS 6.66 0.503 90 3.6724 Notes: 1) Ave Votes = the average of the 1 to 10 votes cast on that topic 2) Combined Vote = (Issue Ave Votes) X (Solution Ave Vote)/100 3) # of Vote is the total number of votes cast on that topic 4) Standard Deviation is a measure of the variation in the votes Permission to redistribute this UVOTE vote summary is granted provided the following paragraph is included. This table summarizes the votes received on these topics at UVOTE. UVOTE ( is a public service project of UWSA Santa Clara Co. CA Chapter ** Use Your BACK Key to Exit This Vote Summary **